No not that Thing 2 (what was that?!), this thing 2:
Blog readers! Now, before I write about blog readers, I would like to say I have seen them before, and even briefly played with them before, but I have never felt the need to use them, because I use widgets and the "Blogs I'm Following" tool on the blogger homepage when I log in. These will update with the latest posts or rss feeds of the blogs to which I subscribe or "follow." So really, I considered the Google Reader for me to be redundant (and I'm not alone!)
However, I can see the versatility with a blog reader in that you can customize your feeds into categories and choose which rss feeds should be displayed or not. I think this would be useful for anyone looking for the latest news in whatever field they work in. So why not library science?
After trying to consider how blog readers would best work for librarians, a thought occured to me... instead of just listing the links of the professional library blogs the way I do on Un-shushed, why not add them to my reader or "Blogs I'm Following"?! I never seem to remember to check those blogs for the latest news in the information science field, and when I do, sometimes I miss out on some really cool posts until they've been up for more than a couple of weeks. So I decided to "follow" the following blogs in my reader, to help my development as a professional within the field library science:
as a matter of fact (NPR's library blog)
LIS News
PS- And Adam, I did try out the nifty little RSS Feed Reader in Outlook. And while, I do like that little feature and its convenience in being right in their with my work email, I have to say, that personally, Outlook itself drives me bonkers sometimes... and since I already have a couple blog aggregators going, I really don't want to manage any more. But I would definitely recommend an Outlook RSS aggregator to anyone who hasn't yet created a blog reader account!